Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Are you no broken? Living a fault line.
Those wounds on the back still sting
I know those wounds still ache. It gets hard to take all this fucking shit
that builds on the shoulders. I suggest
considering another position. Can you google Nomad Exquisite? It up but
not coming, but it has sure been.

Sending Delayed messages yellow-skyed, hiding in the imagination, reading leters scrawled on bathrrom walls and subway doors looking w/o looking for and finding every titanic celebration, every queer titilation.

All along trotting along
In full view trotting slowly.

An Exquisite Corpse

Aromatic Fur
Smash hits and swinging

and it's all like
"it tastes like berries."

Concentrate 10%
Minute Men & Minute Maid
Vegetate Flagella Drip

Will it

(w. Nick L)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Last Thoughts

20 x 97 \ Roman Numeral Octopus polygon
Manilla flap cheese pancake tortilla mouse
maze American Gladiators Italy Meg Ryan
Big ship paddle boat tanker U-boat Ocean liner rocketship
through Mars there is a secret tunnel where the
bunny fudruckered a giant octopus polygon
manilla flap cheese pancake. I have seen
it I have seen it all I have seen all of nothing and am proud
of my linoleum floor with purple stains from I
do not know what. Shoe, shoebox, Shuebert,
Shaka Zulu, Salamanca, Sally, Shalooloo,
her windy looks and potato hooks and green
and green and green and blue and yellow
make green. Hey where you where you
going? I’m going where there’s a cool
wind blowin’ and bitter nectars be flowin’.
Skunk Pineapple Deoxyribonucleic acid
Lamp Hotel room Mohawk sing stage
flitter flatter over matter pitter patter mad
hatter pretzel ladder goes up to … The
super tree rock place where money grows
on super tree rocks and it all boils down to nothing because it evaporates and the shit rains on China. But I can’t tell you no I won’t tell you no
so you can’t know of the snake oil pink guitars my sister
drew only to enhance the style a fabric of spun out
addicts a trace my heritage from who do none but sit
around and play paper pink guitars that my sister
drew only to enhance the style which you might
think is a fall for four and disagree. The briefing is over
return to scheduled mute.

"Around the idea of thee the war revolving,
With all its angry and vehement play of causes,
(With vast results to come for thrice a thousand years)
These recitatives for thee, --my book and the war are one"

-Walt Whitman

Friday, November 03, 2006

Multiple: The Al Qaeda Handkerchief


It is forbidden to remove thongs from the household

Decompression of jingoism
Against the coup de grace ulcer (of the)
military serpent

to those chancroids who avowed the tsetse, the day student and nightingale …
…and wrote in blood, mobilized suffrage, these equations…

the congregation that we are calling for with the apostate
registry does not know Socratic debris…Platonic idiosyncrasy…
nor Aristotelian direction…But it knows the diarrhea of
bulrush(bullfrog), the idiosyncrasy of assertion, bonding, and determinism,
and the direction on canon law, begrudged beneath the canopy of the machinist.

Islamist gradients have never and will never be established.
Through peaceful sound and cooperation, a lucid counterbalance to be
established, as they [always] have been

by penicillin and gunpowder
by workaholic and drink
by tool and top dollar

Aluminium Qaeda handkerchief is forbidden it, in order to remove taps from household Decompression from Jingoism against the Coup de grace military queue of the ulcer (of) as those chancroids, explains the tsetse, the current rate participant and the nightingale...... and into the bloodmobile this right to vote physics... the meeting wrote, which we do not know with that apostate registers Platonic Idiosynkrasie of the Socratic of arrears...... still Aristotelian direction... require, but the diarrhea of bulrush(bullfrog), the Idiosynkrasie of the statement, tying and Determinismus knows them and the direction toward canons, under the roofing of the machinist begrudged. Islamic upward gradients have never and will be never manufactured. By calm clay/tone and cooperation a clear to be manufactured balance absorber, there it [ always ] beenby penicillin and gun powder by Workaholic have and by tool and top side dollar drink
The handkerchief of Qaeda of the aluminum is forbidden to it, in order to remove the pats from the householdDecompression from jingoism against the military tail of tolerance of Coupde of the ulcera (of) like those chancroids, explains the tsetse, the participant of running rate and the nightingale...... and in the bloodmobile this right to vote physical... that the reunion has written, than we do not know with the Idiosynkrasie registries platonic of those apostate of the Socratic of still withdraws...... the sense to you aristotelian... demands, but the diarrhoea of Bushy Bush(bullfrog), of the Idiosynkrasie of the declaration, the fastening and Determinismus knows them and the sense towards the canons, under the roof of the machinist begrudged. The ascending slopes Muslims do not have never and will be never manufactured. Through clay/tone calm and the cooperation a glade to be produced absorber of the equilibrium, here it [ always ] penicillin beenby and the gun spolverizzano from Workaholic has and the lateral drink of the dollar of the advanced part and the tool
Handkerchief Qaeda Al it forbidden in order to extract thongs from householdDecompression jingoismAgainst ulcer the decisive attack (the).military serpentto those chancroids avowed tsetse, the student of day and nightingale...... wrote in bloodmobile suffrage this physics... congregation which we we cause for from registry apostate we do not know idiosyncrasy Platonic of the solid particles Socratic...... not Aristotelian direction... but it it knows diarrhea bulrush(.bullfrog), idiosyncrasy of assertion, bonding, and determinism, and direction on the law of canon, begrudged under the canopy of gradients machinist.Islamic has never never and not will be sound established.Through peaceful and collaboration, lucid unloading to beestablished as drinkby the dollar of tool and upper part

\\\\This is from a year ago. I produced it through a generator that made use of Online translators, S+7, and the opening statements of the Al Qaeda Training Manual, which used to be availabe at, but they have since taken it off the net. I like using political or religious propaganda texts for these types of works. ////

Fee Fi Fo Phum

ef eff e f e f e f ee ff e ff ef ef ef ef

yu yu y u y u yyy uu yyu y u yu uu u

l cl cl cl cl cl cl cccl l llc cl llc llc l

6k 6k kk 6k 66 k 6 k 6k6 k 6k 66k 6k

s s s i i i sisi i si sii si i sis is i is is is


o go go go go go go go go go gogogg

xl xllx l lx l xl lll xx llll xxl xllx xxlll

ua au auaua a ua u aa ua uuauuauuaa

au uu aa uu aau auauaua u au a au u

br rbrb rrb rb brb r br brbrbr rb r bb

we e e we ew we ew ewe wee wew e

zn nz znz zn zzn z nz zzz zzz zzz zzz

blows my mind
blows my mine
mine mind mime mim mmi
mm m m mm mm m mmm mmm mm

mm hmm baby mm hmm baby

mm nnn baby mm nnn

uh huh ha ha un huh ha
yes o yes mm hmm o yes